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- Collection: Mushroom Drawings of Violetta Delafield
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1. Pileus subexpanded- subumbonate, darker / on the umbo, velvety pruinose deeply / rugose wrinkled, margin thin. / 2. Lamellae free, close rather wide / inserted lightish becoming greyish / salmon. / 3. Spores. rosy / 4. Stipe slender concolorous-…
Single mushroom, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
1. Pileus convex, then expanded somewhat / depressed- margin then becoming striate, / pelicle, pealing, viscid- glabrous, a beautiful / light pink, context white tardily acrid + / strong / 2. Lamellae White, all even, rather close- / adnate, some…
Watercolor drawing on paper of two fungi in shades of gold, yellow, and brown, accompanied by column of text, in pencil, to right of page: the larger specimen to the right measures 4 1/2 inches in height, including the "log" on which it is anchored,…
Watercolor drawing on paper of a single fungus in shades of rose, beige, and off-white, accompanied to the right, by column of text in pencil: specimen measures 2 1/4 inches in height and 2 5/8 inches across cap; wide, rosy cap is somewhat flattened,…
Agaricus placomyces
Watercolor drawing of paper of 2 large white and purple fungi, one convex the other flat, with inscription in pencil on right side of paper: mushroom on the right is approximately 5 inches tall from cap to root; cap is approximately 3.25 inches at…
Russula corallina
Watercolor drawing of two differing size fungi in shades of red and pink, pencil inscription on right side of paper; Larger fungus is approximately 3. 5 inches from root to top of cap; cap is approximately 5 inches wide at largest point; pink cap is…
Watercolor drawing on paper of two fungi in shades of reddish-brown accompanied by text in pencil, on right side of page, enumerating the taxonomy: the specimen on the right measures 3 1/2 inches in height and has a broad, somewhat flattened convex…
Watercolor drawing on paper of two fungi in shades of reddish-brown accompanied by text in pencil, on right side of page, enumerating the taxonomy: the specimen on the right measures 3 1/2 inches in height and has a broad, somewhat flattened convex…
Clitocybe virens
85 / 1. Pileus smooth, dry, silvery [sic] green- somewhat / uneven + fibrillous firm, becoming dry + shriveled / 2. Gills close, narrow, white heterophyllous, slightly / decurrent turning dingy yellowish white with age. / 3. Spores white / 4. Stem,…
Boletus curtisii
Growing in moist woods, among / Cinamon [sic] ferns. & under swamp maples- / Taste, gluy [sic] sweet. / Surface of Pileus very viscid, sticky- / convex golden yellow turning dark / brown with age- / turning tawny- / Pore surface- light straw color ^…