Photograph of art faculty and students gathering for a critique. The critique is likely for Steve Barbash's moderation or senior project. From lower left, clockwise: Larry Wismer (theater instructor), Louis Schanker (painting instructor), Zoe Warren…
Playful and mysterious, here Hirsch uses the motif of the serpent among the ruins of a temple, probably at Chichen Itza. The Mayan feathered serpent deity, Kulkukan, was prominently represented throughout Chichen Itza, and Hirsch and Rogo likely…
This portrait demonstrates Hirsch’s interest in the Precisionist style. The geometry of Elsa’s face is carefully highlighted as the tension between volume and expression is resolved in Stefan’s demanding draftsmanship.
This photograph was likely taken at the earlier location of the present-day National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico. Pictured are several pre-Columbian and indigenous sculptures atop black stone pedestals. In the background is a later mural by an…
Using the ethnographic museum as source material, Hirsch deploys the iconography of archaeology and exhibition to mix elements of Pre-Columbian cultures with modern style. The drawing emphasizes the development of museum culture in Mexico, such as…