Browse Items (698 total)

Omphalia or Hygrophorous

Growing in leaf mold in light woods- / gregarious / 1. Taste watery. / 2. Surface of Pileus, viscid smooth dull- / ranging from a light yellow to a deep orange / brown. / 3. Lamellae- Pure white, Heterophyllous, wide. / rather far apart, decurrent- /…

Hebeloma or Inocybe pyriodorous?

Growing in leaf mold in light woods- / July 11- 1900- Litchfield Conn- / 1. Taste- nutty, sweet. / 2. Surface of Pileus, Smooth, dry- firm. / slightly shiny- pealing- [sic] / 3. Lamellae- Heterophyllous- free- close- / fairly wide- a beautiful…

Clavaria Pistillaris

46. / Clavaria Pistillaris. / Buck Hill Falls / Pa. / Aug 1920.

Cantharellus flaviceps Peck Camarophyllus cantharellus

1. Pileus smooth, if viscid very slightly so, / shiny depressed in center (umbilicate [sic]) rich / orange becoming brownish in drying- / 2. Lamellae white becoming yellowish, / distant rather wide + thick, heterophyllous / adnate or slightly…

Gymnopus flavidellus [sic] Murrill

1. Pileus glabrous, dry, subumbonate- / convex to expanded + margin upturned / with age- / 2. Lamella lightish yellow, becoming / dark ferugenous, [sic] narrow, close, / sinuate adnate, inserted. / 3. Spores, rusty brown / 4. Stipe slender paler than…

Omphalina epichysium

1. Pileus fleshy, thin, umbilicate, light greyish / tan, margin very thin involute striatulate brownish [sic] / minutely squamulose, hygrophorous- [sic] / 2. Lamellae light grey, decurrant, [sic] distant / inserted / 3. Spores white / 4. Stipe…

Collybia adirondakensis [?]

1. Pileus moist (hygrophorous). 86. / smooth but somewhat / reticulately veined on the margin. / deeply infundibuliform, some / what irregular, very thin / light tanish pink darker / in the center flesh white / 2. Gills white, very narrow /…