Browse Items (698 total)

Single-edge billhook with long Yorkshire-style handle

Billhooks were used in pruning, clearing heavy brush, and maintaining hedges.

Single-edge billhook with long Yorkshire-style handle

Billhooks were used in pruning, clearning heavy brush, and maintaining hedges.

Single mushroom, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

1. Pileus convex, then expanded somewhat / depressed- margin then becoming striate, / pelicle, pealing, viscid- glabrous, a beautiful / light pink, context white tardily acrid + / strong / 2. Lamellae White, all even, rather close- / adnate, someā€¦

Sigma Alpha Epsilon House and Members 1929

Sigma Alpha Epsilon House and Members 1929

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, 1927

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, 1927 from 1927 Annual